Source: National Library of Medicine:

Rayhan A. Tariq; Rishik Vashisht; Ankur Sinha; Yevgeniya Scherbak.

July 3, 2022.

Types of Medication Errors

  • Prescribing
  • Omission
  • Wrong time
  • Unauthorized drug
  • Improper dose
  • Wrong dose prescription/wrong dose preparation
  • Administration errors include the incorrect route of administration, giving the drug to the wrong patient, extra dose, or wrong rate
  • Monitoring errors such as failing to take into account patient liver and renal function, failing to document allergy or potential for drug interaction
  • Compliance errors such as not following protocol or rules established for dispensing and prescribing medications

Clinical Significance

Medication errors are a common issue in healthcare and cost billions of dollars nationwide while inflicting significant morbidity and mortality. While national attention has been paid to errors in medication dispensing issues, it remains a widespread problem. The best method to enhance patient safety is to develop a multi-faceted strategy for education and prevention. Emphasis should be put on healthcare providers working as a team and communicating as well as encouraging patients to be more informed about their medications. With a culture of safety, dispensing medication errors can be reduced.

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